Navigating Perimenopause: How Gut Health Impacts Hormone Shifts

Perimenopause is a natural process that varies in timing for each woman. While most women notice changes in their 40s, some may experience perimenopause as early as their mid-30s.

During perimenopause, the levels of estrogen, the primary female hormone, fluctuate in an erratic manner. This can lead to changes in menstrual cycles, such as irregularity, either longer or shorter periods, and the occasional absence of ovulation.

The official marker of menopause is reached when a woman has gone through a continuous 12-month period without a menstrual period. This signals the end of perimenopause and the onset of menopause. It's a significant milestone in a woman's life, marking a new chapter filled with unique experiences and opportunities.

Focus on Gut Health Before Hormone Health

Your gut and hormones have a special relationship. They influence each other, and during perimenopause, an out-of-whack gut can make your hormone troubles even worse. If your gut is inflamed, it messes with your hormones too. There are things you can do to keep your gut happy and your hormones in check.

Start by choosing foods that fight inflammation. Think fruits, veggies, gluten free grains, and healthy fats. 

Fiber is your gut's best friend. It helps you stay regular, which means your body can get rid of excess hormones more efficiently. Plus, it nourishes those good gut bacteria that keep things running smoothly.

Stress also messes with your gut and hormones, so finding ways to relax and chill out is key. Try things like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and getting your body moving. Exercise is not just good for your overall well-being, it also helps keep your gut and hormones happy.

Perimenopause can be a wild ride. Prioritize a healthy diet, get your fiber fix, manage your stress, and get some quality shut-eye. With a little TLC, you can rock this transitional phase like a boss and feel your best.


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